Member Benefits
Travelling safely in a group with experienced trip leaders.
Opportunity to explore the beauty of remote and unique places in Australia with like minded club members.
Family activities including camping, sightseeing trips and other social events.
Driver education, promoting awareness of correct four-wheel driving techniques, navigation, trip planning and other courses.
Accessing the collective 4WD knowledge of other club members.
Gain invaluable technical information on your vehicle, and trip preparation tips. Also checklists, tips and techniques shared from other members.
Monthly Club magazine (Cat Chat), emailed or posted to members.
Library at regular monthly meetings.
Discounts for members at selected outlets.
Discounts for members from Mitsubishi Motors Australia.
Club Member Discounts and Services
Discounted services are available to all financial members of the club from a wide range of businesses offering Mitsubishi vehicle sales, service, parts, or 4x4 accessories and services, and a selection of businesses offering specialist automotive parts and services to our members.
Members can find a full detailed listing of businesses providing our members discounted services in our members area section of this site.
When the need arises, we encourage all members to take advantage of offers and to support those who are supporting us.
Club Clobber
A range of quality clothing items, embossed with the Club Logo, can be purchased through an arrangement with an established local company
Items include :
- Short Sleeve Polo Shirts (Navy / Red / Gold)
- Long Sleeve Polo Shirt (Navy / Red)
- Mens and Ladies Half Zip Polar Fleece Pullover (Navy)
- Mens Polar Fleece vest (Navy)
- Ladies Polar Fleece vest (Navy)
- Baseball Caps
PURCHASE details in Members Area . . .
The Club maintains an inventory of spare equipment to enhance the safety and enjoyment of members on club events and engaged on club endorsed long trips.
This equipment is available to all members via a reservation system.
An EQUIPMENT LOAN application form can be downloaded from the Members Area: “DOCUMENTS” Page . . .
Club Library
Given the Club has a history going back to 1986 we have accumulated a very extensive library of:
- Books
- Maps
- Trip Information
- DVD’s etc
All items are available for loan to Members . . . Book listing is in the Members Area