Ngarkat Conservation Park Interclub Working Bee
This year the work to be undertaken is again generally on or near the one-way and two-way section of the Ngarkat CP Border Track and includes trail marking & clearing, fencing (repair, replacement or installation), fireplace & rubbish clean-up, track maintenance, signage, vegetation trimming and painting. DEW will be providing materials and specialist tools needed for the work and the volunteers will need to provide all the basic hand tools and labour.
The one-way section of the Border Track is closed to public traffic until the first weekend of April and therefore will be closed to public traffic during the working bee.
Further details re travel to site will be provided to those who express an interest in the trip.
This year we have introduced registration via TryBooking.
It is essential that all attending register via TryBooking as numbers are limited this year.
Please use this link to register: https://www.trybooking.com/CYKOD
Registration is now open.
Don’t forget to register with your club trip sheet as well.
Download More Information
Explore various tracks in the Landsborough Nature Conservation park, Kara Kara National Park , Redbank Nature Conservation park, Pyrenees State Forest, Mount Cole and Mt Buangor State Park, then transfer to the Grampians to explore more tracks there. Note some of these track are extremely steep and can be hazardous, so 4wd experience and a high clearance 4wd with low range and recovery gear is a necessity. We will stay in caravan parks, so caravans, campers, tents etc are suitable. ...
We will drive on a mixture of bitumen and dirt roads and will take the back roads where possible. Commencing in the Northern Suburbs, we will wind our way through the scenic Northern Mt Lofty Ranges and end up in Tanunda in the Barossa Valley. ...